It's official. IT IS ON! Ryan and I have officially started the most epic Photoshop war of all time. Really. So the premise is called Photoshop Ping Pong. You start with an image off of the web and make a change. Then you "pass" it to your oppenent and they make changes. To your right are the changes I've made. You can't put the original image onto any other images, but you can add auxilary images (lips, scar). The only other rule is that you can't undo changes that the other person has made. For example, Ryan added the scar, so I simply made it cooler. This is really stretching my skills, and I'm really enjoying the creative freedom! 
Victoria Vantassel
10/11/2012 04:33:12 am

This is an absolutely amazing edit! Every change to both sets of pictures are amazing!

10/12/2012 12:47:09 am

Thanks so much Victoria!


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